Ok. My first post. I hope I am doing this correctly. I have a couple of questions.
1. I've used Rod and Staff Building Christian English series. It was good for my 1st child (although 7th & 8th were tough) but it really has helped later with learning Koine Greek (still in the process of learning it). My next one is not as strong in English and was doing ok enough until 6th, then the the struggle began but still held on enough but things were blurring together. Then 7th grade. Nope - it's all a blurry swirl of information. I struggle here, too, so...
I looked at SchoolAid's Climbing to Good English website but don't think this is going to help. Then I found Analytical Grammar and Winston Grammar websites.
What do you think?
Do you have a suggestion of a different one?
I'd love to hear your answers and if you are willing to share your English curriculum experience, I'd love to hear it too.
2. Side note: Our family goal: ultimately to read and understand the Bible. Additionally, it dependent upon the child's ability level, the child is to learn to communicate effectively (speaking and writing) and to learn to read the Greek New Testament. Knowing this, if they don't learn grammar well, but just ok like a C or B- level, can they still learn to read Koine without it feeling torturous? (Btw, I haven't learned Greek yet. The 1st child is on ch 23 but I'm only on ch 6)
3. Is there a way to know when someone posts here like connecting it to my email to notify me, or do I just keep checking this site? Yes, I'm not quite ready to say I'm old lol, yet I have to admit, I don't know much out side of _basics_ of yahoo and facebook. :)
Oh my! That's a lot of questions for a postl. Sorry but thank you for your help!
Tina, have you looked at any of the grammar from IEW? I know they have FixIt Grammar. I found it to be a fairly practical way to identify parts of speech and parse sentences. I’m not sure how far they go grade wise - we’ve been using Classical Conversations Essentials of the English Language more and it includes diagramming sentences (which helps some to picture what is happening better). CC changes Grammar in 7th grade to studying Latin for Grammar exclusively. To me - Latin is to English-Grammar as Upside-down drawing is to art. It forces you to think of it in a different way and suddenly my understanding of English is brand new! Also we use Henle for Latin so you don’t have to join a community to buy it. In fact there’s LOTS of resources for teaching/learning it, I’m happy to share a few of the options if you want to know more.
I took four semesters of Greek at my bible college, and have thought of making myself available for tutoring, but I think that if you learn the alphabet, and how to pronounce words, then add vocabulary you would be able to access many commentaries, and Greek tools. If you can learn grammar and syntax, then you would be ready to begin reading the Greek New Testament and access the more technical Greek tools with greater understanding.
As for learning to read and understand the Bible, the better thing is to learn how to interpret Scripture (hermeneutics). Then, you would be on your way to competent bible reading and using english commentaries.
It's English from the Roots Up.
What about this? I don't have any experience with it, but I've heard good things about it. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjx5YbCsuHlAhWD12QKHV1gA50YABAIGgJwag&ae=1&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQOD2wp22HewnrMocf12wLc2EtaPoOqEOu61EVFIlc_7ikCdhcNOdf7cn3PMlUofW_NZwsjg_47Xh_TtSmWmpzXk&sig=AOD64_1cNoZBFa0luQu6cao_Ym7ZUSyNWg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiJsf3BsuHlAhUqJTQIHa2JCtUQwg96BAgPEBc&adurl=https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/english-from-the-roots-up-help-for-reading-writing-spelling-and-sat-scores-greek-latin-vol-1_joegil-k-lundquist/277008/item/4475291/%3Fisbn%3D0964321033%26idiq%3D4475291%26mkwid%3Dn8SZMStB%7Cdm%26pcrid%3D70112892192%26product%3D4475291%26plc%3D%26pgrid%3D21326673552%26ptaid%3Dpla-293656415170%26utm_source%3Dgoogle_shopping%26utm_content%3Dn8SZMStB%7Cdm%7Cpcrid%7C70112892192%7Cpkw%7C%7Cpmt%7C%7Cproduct%7C4475291%7Cslid%7C%7Cpgrid%7C21326673552%7Cptaid%7Cpla-293656415170%7C%26gclid%3DCjwKCAiAh5_uBRA5EiwASW3Iag-eJ6kJ2GMykP2-uJ4peHVOgjogXzKuTySySbPoPAIExkjVVuT4OBoCRnsQAvD_BwE
So glad you figured out the technology part. The app is working much better for me than the browser on my phone👍🏼
I wish I could help with the Greek problem as easily.
Q3 - I think I just found it. I went to settings and said, well, I just subscribed and said, yes to all! lol