Woodland Area Christian Home Educators
When it comes to education, there's no place like home.
Joining WACHE is about supporting you, but more importantly, WACHE membership is also a commitment to the other member families. THEY NEED YOU TOO.
How You Can Help
Attend Monthly Support/Prayer Meeting - WACHE is designed to provide advice and prayer for parents in an informal, small-group setting.
Join Special Events and Activities - Members also sponsor and organize activities such as field trips, group learning classes, and parties for the children. Often these include group discounts for these activities.
Fellowship at Park Days - Members meet biweekly at different parks. While the kids play this is an opportunity to build friendships and share homeschooling questions.
Use the Email List - Members interact, exchange information, encouragement and prayer support. This is the main communication tool for our group.
Resource the WACHE Library - The WACHE Library offers many free resource materials including curricula, audio cassettes, videos, parenting books, and inspirational reading. The resources are available to check out by members for one month.
Celebrate Graduations - Graduating high school and junior high students of members participate in a graduation ceremony organized by parents and the graduating students. This is a meaningful event for family and friends to attend which acknowledges the personal accomplishments and educational achievements of the graduates.